Psychotherapy, Music Therapy,
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Music Therapy CMTE & Other Courses:
Building an Anti-Oppressive Practice

Course Overview: Self-Study – 16 CMTE Credits (3 for Ethics)

What are your hopes for the music therapy profession in terms of equity, diversity, and cultural humility? Do you need resources to help establish an anti-oppressive approach to music therapy practice?

Equitable treatment has always been a pillar of clinical music therapy services. However, there is always room to learn and grow. The unfortunate killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and many other Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) individuals has catapulted the conversation of racism and discrimination into the limelight. Now, more than ever, we need to engage in difficult conversations and learning opportunities about anti-oppressive practices. We need to consider the role we play as clinicians to challenge oppression and promote change. This CMTE will provide opportunities to gain comfortability with anti-oppressive language and terms, identify bias and privilege, identify tools and steps for practicing with an anti-oppressive lens, and lots of opportunity for prompted self-reflection. This opportunity fulfills 3 credits towards the CBMT ethics requirement. 

1) Describe the concept of intersectionality and the way this influences our individual privileges and biases.   II. Referral, Assessment, Interpretation of Assessment and Treatment Planning:
C. Interpret Assessment Information and Communicate Results

1. Consider the presence of bias in information from available sources.
V. Professional Development and Responsibiliti
es B. Professional Responsibilities

2. Conduct oneself in an authentic, ethical, accountable, and culturally sensitive manner that respects privacy, dignity, and human rights in all settings including social media, marketing, and advertising.
2) To gain insight around anti-oppressive language, origins, and practices.   V. Professional Development and Responsibilities:
A. Professional Development

1. Assess areas for professional growth, prioritize, and establish plan of action.
2. Integrate current research and literature in music therapy and related disciplines.
3. Participate in continuing education.
3) To set individual goals relating to anti-oppressive practices and allyship.   V. Professional Development and Responsibilities
B. Professional Responsibilities

1. Adhere to the CBMT Code of Professional Practice.
2. Conduct oneself in an authentic, ethical, accountable, and culturally sensitive manner that respects privacy, dignity, and human rights in all settings including social media, marketing, and advertising.

Accessing the Course Materials

All video presentations will be available to participants on a private YouTube channel and the AOP Word Match and AOP workbook will be emailed upon registration. Course videos and all course materials distributed are strictly for the use of enrolled CBMT & course participants, and not to be sold, distributed, copied or shared in any form.


Summary: There are 4 short written assignments part of this course. Students will email these to the instructor.

  1. Reflection Questions – This assignment will guide your understanding for WHY developing an anti-oppressive practice is important to you.
  2. Vocabulary & word-match – Understanding and using the appropriate language in an anti-oppressive practice is key in developing an equitable and safe environment for our clients. This assignment will develop your comfort with using this language and to challenge oppressive language as it shows up.
  3. Goal-setting – AOP is a fluid topic. We will continue to learn and grow about our biases and their impact throughout our lives. As music therapists, we identify with the clinical process of determining progress. We can do this for the outcomes we wish to see within our own practice as anti-oppressive therapists. This assignment will explore goal setting with consideration for assessment, treatment plan, treatment and reassessment stages.
  4. Vision Board – What is your hope for your practice as an anti-oppressive therapist? How does this correspond to your hope for the future of music therapy? During this assignment you will create a visual representation of your individual goals as it relates to the wider field of music therapy.


  • Fee: $140 USD for professionals & $110 for students.
  • Registration is ongoing so participants can start the course when it is the right time for themselves. Students must complete the course within 6 months of registration, or will need to re-register to earn the CMTE credits.

    *Students who want to register please contact Amy directly.

  • Certificate
    Upon completion of the course and assignments, participants will receive a certificate stating they have earned 16 CMTE credits.
  • Cancellation and Refund Policy
    Students may request a full refund minus a $10 USD administration fee within 15 days of ordering the course, provided they have not accessed the course materials. Once a student has accessed any of the course materials there is no refund.
  • Statement of Relationship
    Building an Anti-Oppressive Practice is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 16 Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. The [CBMT Approved Provider Notes By Amy, P-104] maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.